For nine years, we have navigated difficult markets, adapted to change and consistently delivered safe and reliable returns for our investors. At the same time, we have given many borrowers the ability to pursue projects and support family that otherwise might not have been possible.
Since 2014 we have:
◆ Grown our loan book diversified across 68 individual loans
◆ Completed £125M of loans
◆ Maintained our personal commitment with almost 20% of funds invested by us and our families
◆ Sustained zero investor losses
Our risk profile remains consistent with previous years and we continue to focus on local, diversified lending.
If you would like to know more please contact us.
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Experience, standing by you
Founded in 2014 with over 90 years of combined property, finance and legal expertise, the Bricks Finance team help local people to access finance easily and quickly by offering bespoke lending using their own funds as well as those from investors.