Complaints procedure

We treat our customers fairly and will resolve any complaints at the earliest possible opportunity.

How do you complain?

Contact either of our directors on 01392 345778 or email, or

What will we do?

  • We will acknowledge the receipt of the complaint within 10 business days.
  • We will investigate the complaint competently, diligently and impartially, obtaining additional information as necessary.
  • We will make an assessment that is fair, consistent and prompt.
  • We will determine:
    • Whether the complaint should be upheld.
    • What remedial action and or redress may be appropriate.
  • We will offer redress or remedial action where appropriate.
  • We will explain to you the basis of our decision within 4 weeks of receipt of the complaint and let you know the name and contact details of the person dealing with your case.
  • We will comply with any offers of redress or remedy agreed with you.
  • Eligible complaints will be reported to the FCA.

What if you are still not happy?

If we haven’t issued our response within four weeks from the date you first raised your complaint, or if you are dissatisfied with our response, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service for an independent review. The Financial Ombudsman Service will only consider your complaint once you’ve tried to resolve it with us, so please take up your concerns with us first and we’ll do all we can to help.

Financial Ombudsman contact details

  • Call 0800 023 4567, which is normally free for people ringing from a fixed line phone – but charges may apply if you call from a mobile phone.
  • Call 0300 123 9123, charged at the same rate as 01 or 02 numbers on mobile
    phone tariffs.
  • Call +44 20 7964 0500: if you’re outside the UK.
  • Email to